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Homesteading can encompass many different things to many people but it all boils down to living a more self-sufficient natural lifestyle. There are TONS of skills to learn so start with the ones that are most important to you and don’t get overwhelmed – there are no homestead rules that say you have to do it all. I hope you find some inspiration on these pages!

Click below to jump to different sections
General Homesteading
DIY & Home Projects
Soap & Beauty Projects

General Homesteading

How to Collect Sap for Maple Syrup
How to Make Maple Syrup
homemade vanilla extract
Homesteading for Beginners
Setting Homestead Goals in 3 Simple Steps
Homestead Activities While Housebound
5 Animals Perfect for a Backyard Farm
Foraging and harvesting sea salt
Cooking with Cast Iron
Essential oils part 1 - what are essential oils and how do I choose quality brands?
Essential Oils Part 2 - How do you use essential oils?
Essential oils part 3 - must have oils and blending recipes

DIY and Home Projects

DIY Chicken Coop Playhouse
Homemade Cleaners for the Kitchen
Homemade cleaners for the bathroom
Natural Chicken Coop Cleaner
DIY Table and Benches
Recycling Picture Frames for a Mini Greenhouse
Homemade Birdseed Ornaments

Soap and Beauty Projects

Making cold process soap
Cucumber Sea Salt Soap
Coffee Lover's Soap
Cocoa Mint Soap
Glycerin Melt & Pour Soap for beginners
5 Easy and Fun Melt & Pour Designs to try
After sun salve
Peppermint Foot Care Solid Lotion Bars
DIY Natural Dog Shampoo
Homemade Lip Balm

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