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Don’t you love a new year?  January has always been such a cleansing time for me.  Time to put away all the troubles of last year and start clean.  It’s too cold outside to work on the gardens and outdoor projects so I find myself turning to projects in my house. Two of my missions …

Read More about Homemade Cleaning Products That Really Work in the Bathroom!

I like having plants around the house but I only really have two south-facing windows and they are shaded much of the afternoon by a large tree.  Luckily, we have a sunroom off the south side of the house with three full walls of ceiling to knee-level windows.  It would be a great place to …

Read More about Recycling Old Picture Frames for an Indoor Greenhouse

Most commercial dog shampoos are almost exclusively made from synthetic ingredients.  They might throw in a natural extract or two so their marketing team can tout it as a “natural” product, but don’t be fooled, those extracts are usually pretty low down on the ingredients list.  Just to name a few of the nasty ingredients commonly …

Read More about DIY Natural Dog Shampoo

Vanilla Extract is something nearly every baker has in their pantry but not many bother to make it themselves.  It is ridiculously easy to make with only two ingredients! The homemade extract will have a richer, pure, “clean” flavor, and the store-bought extract is easily twice as expensive as making it yourself! Ready to get …

Read More about Homemade Vanilla Extract

Soap making has come a long way since your grandmother’s day.  Ingredients that would have been exotic and unheard of in her day, you can pick up at your local grocery store.  I am always looking for an outlet for creativity and with soap making you get something useful that your family will use every …

Read More about Make your own soap! Cold process soap making