Rabbits are generally thought of as very quiet and calm animals – thousands of generations as prey animals will do that to you. If you could be someone’s dinner, it’s best not to draw too much attention to yourself. People who have not spent much time around rabbits might look at this quiet demeanor and dismiss rabbits as being boring. Any rabbit owner can tell you these little fluff balls are full of personality and have a unique way of communicating among themselves and with the humans they love – you just have to know how to speak rabbit! These are some common rabbit forms of communication – if you pay attention you’ll “hear” your rabbit loud and clear.
Rabbit Noises
Generally, this means your rabbit is angry or is feeling threatened. If you hear this, take it to mean “back off” or you might end up getting bit or scratched.
This is not a loud goose-like honk, but a very soft noise generally made during courting. Often honking is accompanied by the rabbit circling its intended mate.
Thankfully this is not a sound I have heard myself, but from what I understand it is ear (and heart) piercing. Rabbits only scream when in mortal terror or dying in an extremely painful way.
Non-Vocal Rabbit Body Language
Tense body, tail upright, ears back against the head
Your rabbit is quite angry. You should back off and let him cool down a bit
Third eyelid showing in corner of the eye
Your rabbit is scared or very stressed
Body upright, ears upright
She is listening to something or paying great attention to something

Thumping feet
Rabbits usually thump their legs to express annoyance or fear. Sometimes they will thump when you lock them up in their cage for the night and they were not ready to go to bed, like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. They also will thump to warn others of danger or to warn others to stay away from them.
Much lighter than an actual bite, it’s more of a pinch. Rabbits might nip for a couple of reasons. It could be a warning nip that if you don’t back off, next time it will be a bite. It can also mean “I want some attention!”, or the rabbit could also be trying to groom you. Her body language and activity at the time should help you figure out what she means
Another sign of annoyance. She might lunge at you if you try to move her food or clean her cage, she is saying “stay out of my stuff”
You should feel honored if your rabbit licks you! This is a sign of great affection & that she trusts you. Bonded rabbits will also lick & groom each other
If you have cats this behavior will be familiar. Cats will rub their forehead on people and objects they like and want to claim with their scent. Rabbits do the same thing except a rabbit’s scent glands are located under his chin. You will not be able to smell it, but it will clearly tell other rabbits “this stuff is mine” or “this human belongs to me”
Tooth clicking
Another cat-like behavior, similar to a cat’s purr. It is a very quiet noise, but if you are close to your rabbit you should hear her gently clicking her teeth together in contentment, usually when you are petting or grooming her. Tooth clicking indicates a very happy, relaxed bunny. Tooth GRINDING is a much louder, angrier sound which means your bunny friend is in extreme pain or stress and should probably visit a vet. The context of the tooth noise should determine what your rabbit is trying to say.
Throwing things
Rabbits like to toss things around. It could be a sign they are looking to play or they could be trying to get your attention: “my food bowl is empty, so I’m going to throw it at you”
A courting behavior, the rabbit will rapidly circle its mate. Rabbits will also circle their human friends to get their attention or sometimes to play

Another courting behavior, when rabbits are mating the male will mount the female. But you will see this behavior in same-sex rabbit pairs (or when one or both have been fixed) as a dominance display. It means “I am in charge here”
Rabbits that are not spayed or neutered will mark their territory with urine spray, most common in males, but females will also do it
Pulling out their fur & building a nest
This can be a sign of pregnancy or a false pregnancy and usually only happens with unspayed females. She might also start collecting hay and leaves to bring to the nest. She is saying “I’m ready to be a mom now!” click here to read more about fur pulling

Standing on hind legs
They are checking out something really intently. It is also how they beg. Dogs might have the biggest reputation for begging for table scraps but rabbits can give them a run for their money. Try not to give in too often to those cute little bunny eyes or your rabbit will get overweight
Nose booping
When a rabbit boops you with their nose, it can mean a couple of different things. It can be a greeting when they haven’t seen you for a little while, “oh hi there!”. It can be a way of demanding attention “why aren’t you petting me??”, or it could be them being bossy “you are in my way!”
Hind feet stretched all the way behind them but laying upright
This rabbit is happy and feeling comfortable, but isn’t totally relaxed and wants to be ready to spring up at any moment
Drama Flop
Bunnies can be real drama queens sometimes! When your bunny is super happy and feeling totally relaxed she will dramatically and suddenly flop down on the floor and roll to her side, exposing her belly, and completely relaxing her head. When you see this, you have one super happy bunny on your hands!
Bunny Dance/Binky
The drama flop is hilarious to watch, but dancing is my favorite. When your rabbit is happy and full of excitement it just can’t be contained in one tiny little rabbit body. He will run at top speeds around the room, kicking up his heels, twisting in mid-air, shaking his head, and generally just bouncing about. They can really get some air! Sometimes called dancing or a binky, whatever you call it, it is super adorable to watch and means your rabbit is in a great mood

Wednesday 10th of March 2021
I have enjoyed all of your rabbit posts. They are very well done, informative, but not too technical. They have helped to relieve MY anxiety about caring for my new little critters. My friends and I thank you!
Abby Hatter
Saturday 6th of February 2021
Thank you for putting this up on Pinterest on this site because I generally have a hard time understanding my rabbit Bugsy because I don't know what's with her and I can't understand her but now I really think that these tips are going to help me and her communicate better thank you
Monday 8th of February 2021
yay! I am glad I could help :)