Every chicken owner at some time or another will wish they had a second mini chicken coop on hand. There are so many uses for a mini coop: *hospital coop for sick or injured chicken*quarantine coop for new birds before integrating to your flock*coop for new birds during the integration process*broody hen box to …
When you were a little kid and had a cold, nothing had you on the road to recovery like mom’s chicken noodle soup. Here’s how you can give that same loving care to your sick chicken. This should not replace medical care when needed, but giving a boost to your chicken’s immune system will help get …
Once a week I rake the chicken’s run & stir up the shavings in the coop as quick “mini cleanings” (Click here to read about the Deep Litter Method of Coop Maintenance). But twice a year I like to do a deep cleaning. Let the girls out to free range, roll up your sleeves, and …
As your flock grows and changes, there will be times when you want to integrate a new chicken into your existing flock. You might find a gorgeous hen at the feed store, or an ad online for the rare breed you have been looking for. This can be a stressful time for both you and …
Chickens love to have fresh greens. This can be quite a challenge when there is 2 feet of snow covering the lawn! In the winter, we grow wheat grass in our kitchen to give our chickens. It’s so easy to do (you don’t even need soil!) and the girls are quite happy with the results! …
Once you have the chickens & the coop set up, you will see maintaining your flock is relatively inexpensive. One time costs: Coop & Run: $ – $$$$$$ it all depends on how handy & resourceful you are and how many bells & whistles you want. You can salvage scrap wood & wire and …
Where to get chicks Ready to jump into the wonderful world of chickens? If you are like me, you did your online research, read books & magazines, and were ready to take the plunge. Then you went to buy some chickens and you realized you had no idea where to get them! In rural areas …
Every spring when the snow finally melts away and spring is almost upon us I know it is just about time for a big chicken coop clean out. The clean freak in me secretly loves emptying out the coop and giving it a deep clean. What I don’t love is having my head stuck in …
There are hundreds of chicken breeds out there – how do you narrow it down to the perfect one? There are a couple of factors to consider when deciding the best breed for your yard. Climate The first thing to consider is your climate. Do you have very cold winters? Heavier breeds that can generate …
The chicken’s coop & run are by far the biggest investment you will make as a backyard chicken keeper so you will want to give it some thought before purchasing or building one. Having the right design can literally make or break your chicken keeping experience. A well designed, easy to clean coop makes tending …