Alpacas are undeniably cute and they are not particularly difficult to care for. But do alpacas make good pets? Are alpacas good pets? I’m going to disappoint a lot of people, but alpacas are not really good pets. At least not in the traditional sense. It mostly depends on what your expectations of a “pet” …
Alpacas are adorable, and not difficult to care for. They can make a great addition to small hobby farms and large farms alike. You might be asking how many alpacas can I keep per acre? How much space do alpacas need indoors? There are several things to consider when deciding if alpacas are right for …
Alpacas are a fun and fluffy addition to a small farm. They provide plenty of rich manure to feed your gardens and of course, have all that wonderful fiber that can be sold or spun into useful items. How much will it cost to get your yard ready for alpacas and to maintain a small …
Flies and farms don’t have to go hand in hand. While there will always be some nuisance flies around your farm, there are several things you can do to reduce their population. Flies are not just a nuisance however. They can also pose several health issues. Biting flies can transmit diseases to your livestock (or …
Alpacas are a domesticated mammal originating from the South American mountains, notably the Andes of Southern Peru, Western Bolivia, Ecuador, and Northern Chile. Their wild ancestors, vicunas, can still be found there. Alpacas have been domesticated for over 1000 years and were invaluable to daily life in the local cultures. Today, Peru, Bolivia, & Chile are …
M Worm, or Meningeal Worm is a parasite most US & southern Canadian alpaca owners need to be aware of. The effects of this parasite can cause paralysis or death in alpacas, but there are steps you can take to keep your herd safe. The story of the meningeal worm The meningeal worm’s natural host …
In 2020 we grew our farm with the addition of two super sweet, super fluffy alpacas. Anytime you add a new type of animal to the farm, there is a ton of new information to learn. Alpacas are no exception. They were our first foray into larger livestock so there was even more to learn. …